Monday, May 08, 2006

Gone all Camp on me (Friday)

The idea that we create our own reality is a view that has been brought into sharper focus for me over the past few years. The idea that one man's heaven is another man's hell is a popular interpretation of this and is usually crystallised in the pursuit of camping - life in the great outdoors.

This weekend my girlfriend and I are camping in Suffolk with her mate and his friends to celebrate their respective birthdays on the 7th and 6th of May. Now the first case in point is that my girlfriend was unable to convince any of her friends to join her in celebrating her 31st and yet Dave is expecting to usher in his 31st with at least 15 of his dearest pals. At first I dismissed this as mere disorganisation on the lady's part and the fact that most of her friends live miles away or have babies and/or taxing careers, while Dave probably does a similar camping trip every year with the same hardy bunch of outdooring chums.

We were the first to arrive, just before sunset, at a rather uninspiring strip of beach, containing several beach huts and a patch of thistly grass and set up camp. After settling in we headed to the pub to meet the others. Dave then appeared with his friend John and a wave of enthusiasm immediately washed over you. The guy oozed positivity, and almost instantaneously the whole place began to change from this rather bland Suffolk village to a bubbling, seaside resort with a great pub serving an excellent selection of ales.

We all sat and chatted til 1 and I learned that although some of his friends were coming from Norwich, others were coming from London, York and one was flying back from the States and driving up straight from the airport - madness. But you could see why as we returned to the beach to sit with a few beers, the whole place was transformed from a scrubby bit of gravelly beach, to a little oasis where you could tell amusing tales in the moonlight, while enjoying the soothing sounds of the sea. This guy could not only create his own great reality, his positivity was so intense he could change yours as well - surely one the true magicians.


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