Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Curse of the Yesman

Being average is a terrible thing to be these days, everybody's a bit wacky or kooky with some obsessive passion lurking beneath the cold grey exterior. But for the average man feeling completely average at everything is an appalling state of affairs. No-one is ever impressed with what you can do - someone else can always do it better.

In some ways you'd think it would be good to be average - its very definition means you take something from everything - you can appreciate one person's love for jazz with another's passion for comic books, dip into someone's obsession with fast cars and balance it with another's dedication to the art of calligraphy. Making you a more rounded, complete individual, right? - wrong! It just makes you boring. Because you take on all these conflicting viewpoints and ideas, it becomes impossible to develop a passion for any one thing. You're not suddenly gonna wake up one day and announce your overbearing love for the Aston Martin DB9 when you know they're a symbol of decadent capitalist society whose obsession for wealth and power is f*cking the planet and enslaving unsuspecting millions. Stuff like that really takes the wind out your sails.

So this blog is intended to be an exploration of these conflicting desires, passions and ideas that really do turn the average man into the yesman - always agreeing with whoever happens to be speaking.


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